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OHHS - 1959 Our "Last Will"

Where those propecies and observations our classmates made at 
graduation accurate? Who knows. These are in no particular order, 
perhaps as prophecies should be.

Sue Dubridge would like to leave her ability to smoke to Kathy Oor in hopes she can improve it. Marge Evert would like to leave her blond ponytail to next year's seniors so they will have something to play with. Jerry Detrapane and Dave Collins jointly would like to leave their ability to get things done to any lazy seniors coming up. Dave Cueny would gladly like to leave his position on the Legend staff to anyone who is willing to take it. Bob Allen is leaving a blank space on the bulletin board to any new senior who wants to get out of study hall and who has enough wit and hummer to fill it. Susan Hendrickson would like to leave her weak gall bladder. Shirley Derteen leaves her everlasting smile to Bob Schneider who also is a smiler. Gloria Perkins would like to leave her long hair to Sylvia Hyboer who needs it. Karen Greenwood would like to leave her sneeze behind. Thank Goodness. Pat Dyer would like to leave her brother Butch all her books, themes, and term papers so he won't have to work so hard next year. Maribeth Blake will gladly leave her good health to Judy Coster so she won't have to take so many pills. Ken Ayers and Tom Wood leave their class rings to Dodie Bloomenschine so she can build up her collection. Bruce Anderson wills his Blackwatch Highlander bagpipe to the O.H.S. music department. Phil Assaley bequeaths his smooth speed shifting to next year's road hogs. Marcia Baker wills her sweet innocent disposition to the upcoming "ladies" of the theater. Robert Batty leaves his "completed" Physiology assignments to the science department. Jim Bash leaves beind luck and good fortune to all Junior "Gods." George Bell wills his sun lamp to anyone with 3rd degree burn medication. Bruce Brown bequeaths his bowling bag to any juniors interested in organizing a Friday p.m. bowling team. Dave Carpenter leaves his paper route to anyone who will get up early enough to deliver Sunday morning papers. Jim Coffee wills to any Junior who can approach his record capacity for liquid refreshment. Bob Cowlishaw leaves a book of past amours to the Junior Girls. Tom Davis bequeaths his complete musical scoring of "Sam Was a Duck" to the juniors and the musical department. Vic Dennis wills his high stepping to next year's drum major. John Dolfin wills his dirty lunch trays to next year's executive committee. Jane Bolt leaves her lunch papers in the senior office. Joan Byerly leaves tears to dear 'ol Ottawa. Carole Dreyer wills her diet plan to the Foods Classes. Irma Duron wills her appointment at the White House this summer to her brother Mario. Madelyn Eiko wills the malignant weed she found growing on Phil Stiles face to the Lab for study. Gail Farrow leaves her job to anyone who can take it. Carmen Fisher leaves her seat in economics to next year's seniors. Sharallene Heagle leaves her master pieces from art class to posterity. Connie Schoolmaster wills her scholastic merits to needy Ottawa students. Donna Nordyke leaves a fine example for the Juniors to follow in regard to going steady. Jackie Dygert bequeaths a dirty locker as she leaves Ottawa. Donna Gillespy leaves a cloud of dust as she Speeds from OHHS. Sandra Moore would like to leave her many white absence excuses to all the new seniors so they can each have a day off. Jerry Bonham end Howie Baragar would like to leave their everlasting friendships to Mary Lou Garrison and Shelia Peteham. Dave Herr would like to leave his height to Bob Lurtsema to help him play better basketball next year. Jill Muir modestly leaves his honesty, his sincerity, and his friendly smile to Mic Stanley. Jackie Long wills Orville Snyder her dancing ability for she feels he needs it. Jane Arndt leaves her vision to Berta Wells in hopes it will be of some help in her future years. Celia Brigham would like to leave her crazy laugh to Mr. Wierenga to keep him cheered up next year. Christine Anderson wills her pre-prom party punch bowl to the Michigan State Liquor Commission. Rupert Bell leaves his knowledge to the world. Michael Berger wills his drumsticks to next year's orchestra leader, in hopes that he can play them. Nick deWolf leaves his extreme height to Tom Worfel. Delmar Fast leaves a blush to Howard Johnsons. John Fehsenfeld wills his position as captain of the swimming team to one of next years swimmers. Good Luck! Jim Fitzgerald and Judi Hondorp will Brian to some lucky Girl. Brian Forbes leaves his seat in Tom Kessel's car to next year's carousers. Dave Gaskin wills his reserved manner and quiet tongue to Ted Texer. Evan Ginsburg leaves his red pants to the Shrine Circus. Mary Webster wills her physics grades to Tom Thurston. Dorothy Hummel leaves all the broken senior play props to the dramatics department. Michael Duiven wills his book worm tactics and fine physics experiments to the Junior brains. Barb Eardley wills her fine performance on Maltby's carpet to next year's regurgitaters. Dick Friberg wills his popsicle wagon to Tim Tuggle who will also use it in good faith. Dave Furtney bequeaths his exotic Dance interpretations to Sharon Van Wingen. Tom Giblin leaves an all city guard spot for next year's gridders. Phil Grubbs wills his newly acquired girlfriend to Ralin Bently. Dennis Harrington wills all his broken drum heads to next year's "skin man. Dave Hinshaw leaves his faithful heart, new pack of "bicycles" to Kathy Kemski. Monette Holmes leaves 50 pounds of musical instruments to the Tom Jones Foot Foundation. Lee Koets leaves his burning football desire in return for a new car. Tom Kullgren leaves applications for Army recruits to Fidel Castro. Dave Leising bequeaths his book of complete operations to the F.C.C. Jerry Lewis leaves an unexcused absence slip to David Newton. Scott McKeon leaves all his "letters" to the athletic trophy case. Mary Jane Nelson leaves her swell term report to the English department for future reference. Fred Osgood bequeaths his tremendous acting ability to the Hokie-Pokie Ice Cream Company. Sandra Patrick leaves her hand book on Pedestrian Safety to Bob Potter. Terry Peteham wills his guitar pick to any Junior Elvises. Peter Price bequeaths all his B.D. with Miss Bader to John Webster. Harry Rosenzwieg leaves a box of shaved sideburns and candy store credit to Dennis Bassett. Marvin Simpkins bequeaths his vast everyday vocabulary to the English department for deciphering. Judy Spencer wills her Kingston Trio Records to the dorm where she'll next year at Michigan. Dave Tooker leaves a lock of his "fair hair to the Koler Company of Wisconsin. Ron Truax leaves his "Home Hair Cut Kit" to all Junior do it your selfers. Robert Tucker bequeaths his fine ball handling to next year's backfield. Eugene Vander Ark leaves his library fine cultural magazines to the typical American Boy. Gary VanSingle leaves his giraffe food to his favorite Junior girl. Roland Waterfield bequeaths his high ideals and standards to all the Junior boys who aren't planning on dating much next year. Judy Anderson wills her managing editorship on the Spectator Staff to Jim Dengate and Sue Marsh. Karen Anderson wills Mrs. Paddy to anyone who will promise to love her. Liene Andersons wills her mathematical, scientific mind to Gail Brunson. Marita Archer wills all her titles to Cookie Jones. Janice Bosscher wills her homecoming crown to the next deserving queen. Betty Ann Bozin wills her walk to Ellen Terell. David Brittain wills his camera to any bug who will take it. David Bruinsma wills his artistic talents to Jon Brower. Pat Burger wills her patience to Fran Van Loo. Karen Carpenter wills her chair in Mr. Wierenga's office to Nancy Ay1esworth. Betty Cimek wills her long hair to Carole Atkinson. Carol Clark wills her ability to catch a Buys to the next girl who can catch Chris. Susie Clemens wills her pokiness to Gretchen Griffin. Marcia Copp wills her blond (?) hair to Mary Kline. Katie Dalvini wills the lead in the Senior play to anyone who can fill her shoes. (size 8) Judy DeWitt wills her great reformation to a girl that needs it, Pam Armstrong. Joyce Englesman wills her quietness to Shirley Smith. Ruth Evenhuis wills her extra inches to Sandy Swiss. Barbara Frost wills Club Zodiac to all the beatniks in and around Ottawa. Jim Gaikema wills the telephone post on the corner of Kalamazoo and Alger to one of Mr. Collin's promising students. Sharon Gill wills her household skills to Mary Lou Bacon. Mary Goodman wills her pixie haircut to Slyvia Heyboer. Jean Harrison wills her 98 pounds to any girl who can get down that far. Judith Hart wills her 34 (?) cabin cruiser to the Sea Scouts at Ottawa. Carole Heiny wills all her A's to a needy soul, Dennis Basset. Elsa Kalbaugh wills her beaming smile to light up Ottawa's dreary halls. Diana Smith and Dan Kinneman will their ability to go together for years to Rene Wood and her boyfriend. Sheryl Kossen wills the contracts for announcements, rings, and gowns to the next year's unsuspecting chairman. Jean La Valley wills her interest in certain parts of East to Dave Zagoroli. Joyce Mulder wills her drug store job to anyone who can work a cash register. Dawna Myers wills her multicolor hair to any girl whose hair can take it. Judith Patterson wills her red hair to Bob Lurtsema--he needs it. Sheila Skaff wills her jovial personality to Margo Glaser. Carolyn Sweder finally wills Millie and Frank with her blessings. Judith Pierce wills her position in coraliers to another hard working singer. Marilyn Sytsma wills her attractive hair to Judy Hill. Gayle Wheeler wills her Spanish book to Gary Tamblin with all her love. Patricia Winter wills all the 10ft over food, table mats, and hats from the Spaghetti Dinner to the cafeteria. Thomas Kessel leaves his "innards" to the Town Talk Station. Barbara Koets wills her life to marriage on October 9. Stephen Konkle wills his skill to any Bar that wants then. Judy Kramer leaves her cheat notes to Mrs. Nelson. Fredrick Kreiser leaves his wheel to the Berlin Thrillcade. Terry Laug leaves his index finger to the science department. Judy Lewis leaves autographed pictures of her baby-bath demonstration in Physiology to posterity. Ann Maltby wills her wonderful figure to Mary Kemp. Carl Mason wills his fine mellow voice to the Metropolitan Opera Company. Lawrence Race leaves his bronzed track shoes to Mr. Brouwer. Terry Schelling wills all his love to Donna Nordyke. Douglas Scheuneman wills his temper to Ted Texer. Midge Schriemer wills her Thursday night roller skating trips to anyone who has a fast pair of skates. Jacquelyn Shaknis wills her speaking talent to anyone. Anyone want it? Larry Stanley leaves an insurance policy to cover all dented fenders occurring at Kewpees. Phil Stiles leaves his "dirty chin" to next years coffee break. Robert Westing leaves his indigestion to the boys at Gysins. Jay Ysseldyke wills his stomach to science in hope that they can find its limits. Judy Clemons leaves her extra typing duties to one of next year's seniors. Nan Beaman leaves her aspirations to stardom to Marylaine Bagby. Sharon Beld leaves her unusual knack for closing car doors to whoever wants it. Charlene Bolt bequeaths her driving skill to Tom Vander Whity. Sally Brand leaves her skill on the violin to Tom Worfel. Gail Cook leaves her position in the symphony to Bob McBain. Sue Fausett leaves her naturally curly to Sheila Peteham. Maureen Haas leaves her natural quietness to Dave Zagoroli. Judy Haveman leaves the props from "Annie Get Your Gun" to Lynn Castor. Joyce Molenkamp leaves her superior scholarship to Kay Ruhl. Margaret Olagos wills her nickname "Twink" to Tom Jones. Karen Rone leaves her seat on the Forest Hills Bus to Carolyn. Gordon Gould leaves his job on the traffic committee to Sgt. Gelderbloom. Carole Wetzel wills all old canvases, tubes, brushes, and oils to Miss Pruit and the art department. Frank York wills all his "unused" T-shirts to the first 100 who apply. Bruce Byle leaves his authority and leadership to next year's Senior Class President. Benj Correll leaves his charm for ninth graders to next year's cradle robber.1I Bill DeBree leaves his Egee Bird to Dave Wessell. Bruce Drenton wills his hunting and fishing techniques to the next promising woodsman. Jay Duursma wills his love for noon hour basketball to Chuck Stockmar. Marianne Cooper leaves the fun of driving a Model T or A to Larry Robinson. Dan Gantos ends the reign of Gantos' brothers at Ottawa. Larry Heyboer wills the hockey goals to Ottawa's next hockey team. Brian Hymes leaves his ability to cut classes to Pam Marshall. To Mickey Stanley, Bill James leaves his athletic ability and charm. Ron Landman wills the fun of driving to school in a different car to Dennis Schuts. Mike Rawitser wills to Bob Lurtsema the ability to talk himself out of anything. Roy Rubensthal has been at Ottawa so long now he kind of hates to leave (and he may not.) Max Scholtz leaves all his hounds to Bruce Baldwin. Dick Weber leaves his bottle of peroxide to Tom Vanderweide. Jack Siebers leaves the Student Council to next year's president. Judy Oom wills one of her O's to Ottawa. Chester Arbnot bequeaths his roller skates to Kenny DeAllen. Salem Bashara leaves his card table to his brother. Jim Berg wills his paint brush to his brother, Ed, for Summer use. Ray Champ leaves his "lost" pounds to Ron Hackert. Chip Damstra bequeaths his "Paris refusal" to next year's Globe Trotter. Allen Field leaves all his scooter parts to Johnny Anderson. Art Gobel leaves a flash of light and a cloud of dust as he vaults his way to Illinois. Ernest Horn leaves his superior first base coaching to next year's sign flasher. Rodney Hubbard leaves his speaking to Dick Williams. David Oostdyke leaves his growing red embarrassment to all Juniors who don't have a sun lamp. Norm Patrick leaves a sore arm and a pair of pitcher's shoes to next year's hurlers. Sandy Stevens leaves her Seventh hour Shorthand class to anyone who can take it. Steve Van Duinen leaves a bill for one telephone pole to the Driver Ed. Course. Pat Welsh leaves a hard spot to be filled on the tennis team. Tom Wood leaves all the money he owes to parking meters to the Cemetery Department. Gordon Young leaves his telescope to next years star Gazers. Gay Grant "throws back a smile to her favorite catcher. Margie De Kort wills her efficiency to one of next year's Juniors. Carol Sieperda wills her charming personality to someone who needs it. Mary Starkenberg wills her position in the Pupil Personnel Office to some lucky Junior. Jane Price leaves her "temper" to someone who will make good use of it. Jerry Yeomans wills her slow-driving to Driver Education. Dave Steenbergen wills his extra inches to Ricky Carr. Dave Collins leaves his seat in Session Room to one of next year's Seniors. Sandy Winks wills her quiet manner to Jan Collins. Jan Vriezema leaves her golden throat to the music department. Jan Lapchak leaves her fickle heart to the Junior Girls. Cliff Miller leaves his quiet ways to Bob Lurtsema. Don Ward bequeaths his motorcycle boots to Dennis Basset. Steve Wonders leaves his happy seat in English class to anyone who will take it. Terry Smith leaves his once long hair to the teachers lounge for pillow stuffings. Jim Thomas leaves his collapsed lungs to the swimming team. Larry Spring leaves his "old" batting average to the baseball trophy case. Bonnie Muir leaves a cloud of dust as she and her "frat man" leave for "State."

Thanks to Nick dewolfe and Dave Furtney for making the will available.

For questions about this homepage, contact: Jim Thomas - jthomas@math.niu.edu
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